Board compensation

2023 remuneration

All members of the Board of Directors are elected at the AGM and their remuneration is recommended by the Nomination Committee, conditional upon approval at the AGM. 

The Group does not operate any form of retirement benefits or pension scheme for any member of the Board of Directors and thus no contributions are made in respect of any Board Director. All members of the Board of Directors have rolling service contracts without notice periods. 

The Remuneration Committee has reviewed all components of the CEO’s compensation, namely base salary and performance-related salary, in line with external market benchmark data. As part of the annual process, the  Remuneration Committee has reviewed and ensured that the remuneration is in full compliance with the remuneration policy. 

All information concerning emoluments and interests of the Board of Directors is presented on the basis of continuity from the date of their appointment to the Board of Directors of the Kindred Group. Total emoluments of the Board of Directors and the CEO who served during the year are set out in the following tables.

Board of Directorsʼ remuneration 2022–2023


Directors Board fees
GBP 000
Committee fees
GBP 000
North America
Committee fees
GBP 000
Committee fees
GBP 000
2023 Total
GBP 000
2022 Total
GBP 000
Evert Carlsson, Chairman 197.0 21.2 11.0 22.4 251.6 236.9
Peter Boggs1 23.0 7.5 30.5 87.7
Cédric Boireau2 45.8 7.8 53.6
Gunnel Duveblad1 23.0 12.8 35.8 115.2
Erik Forsberg1 23.0 9.2 3.8 36.0 92.8
James H. Gemmel 65.2 20.8 7.8 93.8 8.1
Jonas Jansson2 45.8 15.1 60.9
Carl-Magnus Månsson1 23.0 5.2 28.2 75.5
Andy McCue2 45.8 7.8 53.6
Fredrik Peyron1 23.0 5.2 28.2 70.8
Martin Randel2 45.8 7.8 53.6
Kenneth Shea2 45.8 13.5 7.8 67.1
Heidi Skogster 65.2 13.5 3.2 81.9 68.6
Total 671.4 91.0 56.2 56.2 874.8 755.6

