Our journey towards zero
At its best, gambling offers thrill and excitement. This is what we strive for all our players to enjoy. However, for a small percentage of people, gambling becomes harmful, affecting not only the lives of the players but also their family and friends. As one of the larger operators in the world, the prevention of harmful gambling is one of our top priorities, being addressed through different measures throughout the organisation.
Our work is guided by our journey towards zero ambition, stating that over time, zero percent of the revenue from our platform should be generated from harmful gambling. Part of this is being a trusted contributor to a fact-based dialogue.
We track the progress of this ambition on a quarterly basis and openly disclose the share of revenue derived from high-risk players (see definition under “Customer risk groups”). In addition, we report on the share of customers that change their behaviour in a positive direction after intervention has been implemented as a result of being detected by our responsible gambling prevention system. These are two central KPIs on our journey towards zero.
Share of revenue from customer risk level and share of detected customers changing behaviour after intervention
* The numbers prior to Q1 2023 do not include North America and France, but from Q1 2023 and onwards, the numbers reported include France.