Average number of employees: Average number of employees for the year based on headcount at each quarter end.
B2B: Business-to-business.
B2C: Business-to-consumer.
Compound annual growth rate (CAGR): A measure of growth over multiple time periods assuming all revenues are reinvested at the end of each year.
Diluted earnings per share: Profit after tax attributable to the equity holders of Kindred Group plc adjusted for any effects of dilutive potential ordinary shares outstanding divided by the weighted average number of diluted outstanding shares.
Dividend per share: Dividend proposed or paid divided by the number of outstanding shares at the balance sheet date.
Earnings per share: Profit after tax attributable to the equity holders of Kindred Group plc divided by the weighted average number of outstanding shares.
EBITDA: Profit from operations before depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses.
eNPS: Based on the question ‘How likely is it that you would recommend Kindred as a place to work?’, this score reflects the percentage of promoters (replied 9-10) minus the percentage of detractors (replied 0-6).
Free cash flow: Net cash generated from operating activities, excluding movements in customer balances, less cash flows from investment activities (including acquisitions) and lease payments.
Free cash flow per share: Net cash generated from operating activities, excluding movements in customer balances, less cash flows from investment activities (including acquisitions) and lease payments divided by the weighted average number of outstanding shares.
Gross profit: Revenue less cost of sales.
Gross winnings revenue (GWR): Revenue from the Group’s B2C business. GWR on sports betting is defined as the net gain or loss from bets placed. Within casino & games, the Group defines GWR as the net gain from bets placed and Poker GWR reflects the net income (rake) earned from poker games completed. GWR across all products is reported net of the cost of promotional bonuses.
Net cash / (net debt): Total cash at the balance sheet date less customer balances and borrowings.
Net cash / (net debt) per share: Total cash at the balance sheet date less customer balances and borrowings divided by the number of ordinary shares at the balance sheet date.
Net debt to EBITDA ratio: Net debt at the balance sheet date divided by EBITDA for the year to that date.
Number of active customers: The total registered customers who have placed a bet with Kindred Group at any time during the year.
Other revenue: Revenue from the Group’s B2B business.
Turnover: Total amount of stakes placed on sporting events and games.
Underlying EBITDA: EBITDA before personnel restructuring costs, regulatory sanctions, market closure and contract termination costs, subsidy for warrants – incentive programme, strategic review costs, and other (losses)/gains.
Underlying EBITDA margin: Underlying EBITDA as a percentage of revenue.
Unrestricted cash: Total cash at the balance sheet date less customer balances.
Weighted average number of diluted outstanding shares: Calculated as the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding and potentially outstanding (i.e. including the effects of the vesting of all share awards) during the year.
Weighted average number of outstanding shares: Calculated as the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.