Other control tools

Our research shows that voluntary approaches towards control tools work best. While self-regulation such as self-imposed limits is the most helpful tool, self-exclusion which can be activated for a period spanning from 24 hours to five years, depending on the market may be the best option for some 

Voluntary control tools summary

Tool Description
Deposit limits Help our customers to stay in control of their spend
Reality checks Help our customers to stay in control of their time with alerts at 30min, 60min, 90min intervals
Loss limit Helps customers control their losses by setting a loss limit on any product, or on all.
> six months
Helps our customers stay in control by blocking access to their account for a set time period of more than six months or indefinitely
< six months
Helps our customers stay in control by blocking access to their account for a set time period of less than six months
Product blocks Let our customers take a break from specific products by restricting access for a set time period

We always offer our customers what local gambling regulation requires or recommends, and often go further, offering permanent self-exclusion and, in severe cases, closing the account ourselves. 


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