Senior management compensation

Senior managers receive base salaries based on position, responsibilities, performance and skills. The base salary is a fixed amount, payable monthly, which is usually reviewed annually in January.

Benefits are based on the requirements of the country where the manager is employed. The performance-related salary is designed to support key business strategies and financial objectives and create a strong, performance-orientated environment.

The performance targets are reviewed annually and are based on both quantitative and qualitative goals. The pay-out is conditional upon the Group achieving set financial targets. Thereafter, individual targets are mainly linked to financial objectives such as Gross winnings revenue and EBITDA. There is also a part which is based on delivery of specific projects and business critical processes.

Achievement of targets is assessed on an annual basis. The amount of potential variable pay compared to basic salary varies depending on position and situation but is in general less than half the amount of the basic salary. All variable elements have a limit, which means that they cannot exceed a predetermined amount.

Under the standard annual cycle of bonuses for the CEO and other executive management, formal approval and payment of bonuses is typically completed after the publication of the results for the fourth quarter.
