Share capital development

The development of the Company’s share capital since the Group’s reorganisation carried out on 1 November 2006 is shown in the following table.

At an EGM on 18 December 2015, shareholders approved to subdivide the shares effective on 30 December in a share split 8:1 to 230,117,040 shares with a nominal value of GBP 0.000625.


Transaction Exercise of options Share split
New issue price (GBP) 17.95 -
Change in no. of ord.shares 9,16 201,352,410
Total no. of ord.shares 230,126,200 230,117,040
Par value per share (GBP) 0.00625 0.000625
Increase in share capital (GBP) 5.73 -
Share capital (GBP) 143,828.87 143,823.15



Transaction Exercise of options Exercise of options
New issue price (GBP) SEK 166 SEK 189
Change in no. of ord.shares 1 225,68
Total no. of ord.shares 28,764,630 28,763,630
Par value per share (GBP) 0.005 0.005
Increase in share capital (GBP) 5 1,128.4
Share capital (GBP) 143,823.15 143,818.15


Complete history of the share capital development from the initial public offering can be downloaded here (Excel).


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