Today, at the Annual General Meeting, shareholders approved the proposed dividend of SEK 2.25. This will be paid to owners of shares/SDRs, on the register on the VPC record date of 15 May. The dividend is expected to be distributed by VPC on 18 May 2006. Messrs Peter Boggs, Daniel Johannesson, Peter Lindell, Henrik Tjärnström and Anders Ström were re-elected as Directors of the Company, and in addition, Mr. Anders Ström was re-elected as Chairman. In addition, at the Annual General Meeting, the resolution to pay a total fee of GBP 190,000 to Directors elected at the AGM, who are not employed by the Company, was also approved by Shareholders. It was also agreed that the Board of Directors will distribute this fee within the Board so that the Chairman will receive a fee of GBP 130,000 and a fee of GBP 15,000 will be paid to each other Director. In addition, GBP 4,000 will be paid for Audit Committee work and GBP 2,000 for Remuneration Committee work and an additional GBP 1,000 will be paid to the Chairman of each Committee. Messrs Anders Ström, Staffan Persson and Andreas Versteegh were also re–elected as members of the Nomination Committee. Also at today’s Annual General Meeting, shareholders approved that the Directors be granted, with immediate effect, authority for the purpose of section 80 CA 1985 to allot new ordinary shares pursuant to section 80 CA 1985 up to a maximum nominal amount of GBP 1,200 (being 240,000 shares of 0.5p each), and that such authority (unless previously revoked, varied or renewed) to be valid for 5 years. The shareholders also approved at the Annual General Meeting, that the Directors be empowered, pursuant to section 95 CA 1985, to allot equity securities for cash pursuant to the authority referred to above as if section 89(1) CA 1985 did not apply to such allotment, and such power to expire 5 years from today. At a statutory meeting in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, Messrs Peter Lindell and Henrik Tjärnström were elected as members of the Audit committee, and Messrs Peter Lindell and Anders Ström were elected as members of the Remuneration committee. Board of Directors Unibet Group plc