At today’s Court Meeting, the proposed Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and the holders of Unibet shares was approved unanimously by those shareholders represented at the meeting.
At today’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Unibet Group plc the following proposed Special Resolutions were approved unanimously by those shareholders represented at the meeting:
THAT the Scheme of Arrangement dated 19 September 2006, between the Company and the holders of the Company's ordinary shares expressed to be subject to that Scheme of Arrangement, in its original form or with or subject to any modification, addition or condition approved or imposed by the Court;
THAT the directors of the Company be authorised to take all such action as they may consider necessary or appropriate for carrying the Scheme into effect;
THAT conditional upon:
(a) the Scheme being sanctioned (with or without modification) by the High Court of Justice of England and Wales;
(b) Stockholmsbörsen having agreed to admit the Swedish Depositary Receipts over shares in New Unibet Group plc to the Nordic List for trading on its market for listed securities; and
(c) the Board of the Company being satisfied that, at the relevant time, they consider that the Scheme continues to be in the best interests of Unibet Shareholders and Unibet SDR Holders as a whole and that any relevant conditions have been satisfied or waived,
the application by the Company to the Stockholmsbörsen to have the Swedish Depositary Receipts over shares in the Company de-listed from Stockholmsbörsen's Nordic List for trading on its market for listed securities be approved.
THAT the name of the Company shall be changed to "UGP plc"
Further information as well as the Scheme of arrangement is available on the website
A Prospectus will be published on or before 31 October 2006 and can be obtained from the website