At the AGM on 25 April 2007, Unibet Group plc’s Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the following Directors:
• Peter Boggs
• Daniel Johannesson
• Peter Lindell
• Anders Ström
• Henrik Tjärnström
The Nomination Committee also proposes election of a new Director Staffan Persson.
Staffan Persson is a Swedish citizen, born 1956 and has a B.Sc. Economics degree. Mr Persson is one of the founders and senior partners of the venture capital company ITP. ITP focuses on early investments in growth companies and has been a shareholder in Unibet since 1999. Mr. Persson is also non-executive chairman in the Swedish DMA-specialist Neonet. During 1985 to 1995 Mr. Persson held senior positions at several Swedish and international investment banks including HSBC Investment Bank, focusing on M&A and corporate finance.
Mr. Persson and his family own 1,666,500 SDR’s in Unibet.
Furthermore, the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Anders Ström as Chairman and that a new position as Deputy Chairman is introduced. For this position the Nomination Committee proposes Daniel Johannesson to be elected.