The Administrative Court of Appeal reduces Kindred’s sanction fee from 2020

Mon, 27 May, 2024 16:15 CET

The Administrative Court of Appeal in Jönköping (Sweden) has today reduced the sanction fee that Kindred Group received in 2020 for bonus rules violations in 2019. The sanction fee of SEK 100 million ordered by the Swedish Gambling Authority (SGA) was reduced by the Administrative Court to SEK 50 million. The Administrative Court of Appeal has now determined to reduce it further to SEK 30 million.

Kindred Group plc:s (Kindred) wholly owned subsidiary, Spooniker Ltd, received a sanction fee of SEK 100 million in 2020 from the SGA for bonus rules violations in 2019. In its decision the SGA held that some of Spooniker’s offers, competitions and promotions were to be considered as financial incentives and therefore as bonuses. Kindred immediately changed its offerings following guidance from the SGA.

To obtain judicial guidance on how to interpret the new legislation Kindred appealed the decision to the Administrative Court, which reduced the sanction fee to SEK 50 million. The Administrative Court of Appeal has now further reduced the sanction fee to SEK 30 million.  

Kindred is of the opinion that since the rules were vague, opening for different interpretations, the sanction fee should be reduced in its total.

For more information:

Alexander Westrell, Director of Communications


Om Kindred Group 
Kindred Group är ett av världens ledande nätbaserade spelbolag med verksamhet i Europa, Nordamerika och Australien. Kindred Group erbjuder underhållning i en säker, trygg och hållbar miljö för över 30 miljoner kunder via något av de 9 varumärken som ryms inom koncernen. Bolaget har cirka 2.500 medarbetare globalt och är medlem av European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA), samt medgrundare av IBIA, (International Betting Integrity Association). Kindred Group är granskat och certifierat av eCOGRA för överensstämmelse med EU:s rekommendation om principer för konsumentskydd och spelansvar från 2014 (2014/478/EU). Kindred Group är noterat på Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap. Läs mer på www.kindredgroup.com.   

Nasdaq Stockholm, KIND-SDB  


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