Reporting progress on our sustainability commitments

Mon, 09 Mar, 2020

Kindred are proud to report strong progress on our sustainability commitments in our third annual Sustainability Report. We believe that sustainability and profitability must exist in harmony and for Kindred that means making continual improvements and taking responsibility for our operations.

It has been an eventful year for Kindred, and we are excited to publish our third annual Sustainability Report. The report covers the Group’s activities and achievements for 2019 within our five sustainability priority areas: Responsible gambling, Maintaining integrity, Running a compliant business, Being Kindred and Contributing to our communities. 

A successful business is about future-proofing operations to generate profit and value in the long term. We have set a clear strategy for our sustainability work, focused around our purpose of transforming gambling to ensure fair play, the best deal and a great experience for our players.

We want to make gambling 100% enjoyable and are proud to report progress on our sustainability commitments. This includes an increase in customers who adopt healthier gambling behaviour after personalised responsible gambling messages, an increased focus on communicating sustainable consumption in our marketing and sponsorship advertisement space, as well as a number of initiatives and partnerships that increase our contribution to our local communities.

Kindred CEO Henrik Tjärnström says:

“I am proud to see great progress on our sustainability commitments. We have set a clear ambition to receive zero % revenue from harmful gambling by 2023 and in 2019 we’ve invested heavily in technology, people and communication. I am glad to see the result of 76.8% of our customers adopting healthier behaviour after receiving personalised responsible gambling messages from us. In 2019, we launched broad communication campaigns with a sustainable consumption message in more than 6 markets and we have increased messages around responsible gambling in sponsorship advertisement.”

Read more about our priority areas, ambitions, achievements, and much more in our 2019 Sustainability Report.


  • Anna Jein
    Sustainability Manager